Halsnæs Libraries

Welcome to the library

Halsnæs Public Libraries are run by Halsnæs Municipality and includes two branches. A head branch situated in Frederiksværk and a local branch in Hundested. 

The libraries is for everyone and offers a wide collection of books, audio books, e-books, games, music, movies, ditgital materials etc.  for both children and adults.  A large numbers of this collection are in other languages such as english, spanish, german and french. You can also use Internet, play PlayStation4 free of charge. It is possible to print and photocopy charged with fee.

With the libraries online catalogue you can search, view and order items from the library collection. You will receive a notification by email or sms when the ordered item(s) are available for you. 

With the national online catalogue www.bibliotek.dk you can search, view and order items from other libraries in Denmark to be picked up at the Halsnæs Public Libraries.


The library is for everyone


To access our full range of services you need to visit your local library to be registered as a member. You have to bring your Health Insurance Card (your Yellow Card) with you. It os possible to use your Health Insurance Card as a library card, or if you prefer, to get issued an individual library card. The latter will be the case for those of you, who do not have a Danish Health Insurance Card. A four digit PIN code is required for the library card, and will be added when you register. We recommend also providing the library with either your email or a mobile phone number as a means of contact.

The library card is personal and you are responsible for its use. You have to inform the library, if you change address, email, telephone number etc. as this does not happen automatically.
Loss of the library card should be reported to the library as soon as possible in order to avoid misuse.

In order to borrow, reserve or renew books and other items, you must register. By using your CPR number or library card number and your PIN code you can log on to the library website, where you can review your registered loans, reservations as well as any fines owed to the library. You can also access the vast array of digital services provided by the library. Please note, that some of the digital library services, for instance www.eReolen.dk are only for use, if you reside in that particular municipality the library belongs to.

Under 15

If you are less than 15 years old, you will be issued a membership card or you can use your Health Insurance Card as a library card. Your parent or guardian will be asked to sign a form before issuing the card. Your parent or guardian will be responsible for all items borrowed on your card and for any charges you incur.



To collect loans use your Health Insurance Card or library card along with your PIN code. You can also enter your CPR number/libray card numer and PIN code manually to pick up the loans. When an item is checked out, a loan receipt with the due date is generated. This receipt works as the first recall notice.

Loan period

Standard loan period is one month, and it is free of charge. Some materials have a shorter loan period. Please check your loan receipt. Your loan receipt shows which items you have borrowed and when they are due back.

Notice! The library is entitled to suspend or reduce the borrowing permission of a borrower according to Bekendtgørelse om biblioteksvirksomhed §13.



When you return the borrowed materials a receipt will be generated by the library system. Only this receipt, or a receipt issued manually at the library have a legal effect. The library sends reminders at around  the end of the loan period via email or SMS as an extra service. These reminders are sent to borrowers who have supplied their email or mobile phone number by enrolment.
For late returns you have to pay a fine.


You may place an order on materials that have already been checked out. You can make the reservation via the library website, telephone call or by visiting the library. Be aware, that some libraries have a limitation on how many reservations you can make at a time.

When your order becomes available, you will be sent a notice by email, SMS or letter telling you when you can pick up your order.


Borrowed materials can be renewed. Items reserved by other patrons cannot be renewed. You can make the renewal via the library website, telephone call or by visiting the library. Note, that some libraries have a limitation on how many renewals you can make for a specific item, and that some items therefore cannot be renewed.

Lost and damaged library goods

You are responsible for returning borrowed items in a good condition and will be assessed for cost in case of the damaged aterials.
If you lose or accidentally damage borrowed items you will be charged for its replacement.


Suspension of permission to borrow and penalty of exclusion

The library is a public domain. You are expected to behave appropriately both in the use of the library, PC’s and Internet alike. You have to follow the staff’s directions. If you behave in an unacceptable manner or infringes regulations, you may be excluded from the library for a specified period. If borrowed items are not returned after repeated notices, if you return them in a bad condition, or if you owe more than 200 DKK kroner in fines to the library, your permission to borrow might be suspended.

Law of Personal Data 

The library is subject to abide by the requirements of the Law of Personal Data(Persondataloven).